Our Mission
The mission of the Four County Suicide Prevention Coalition is to increase awareness, decrease stigma, and increase people’s ability to seek help aimed at suicide prevention.
The coalition is represented by individuals in the community from the following agencies or sectors:
- Survivors who have lost a loved one to suicide
- The Four County ADAMhs Board
- Maumee Valley Guidance Center
- Ohio Guidestone
- The Center for Child and Family Advocacy
- Defiance County Health Department
- Fulton County Health Department
- Fulton County Health Center
- Fulton County Job and Family Services
- Williams County Health Department
- Fulton County Healthy Choices Caring Communities Coalition
- Fulton County Sheriff Department
- Bryan Area Health Education Center
- Defiance County Sheriff Department
- Northwest State Community College
- Fayette Community Education for Development
- Mercy Health
- VA Ann Arbor Health Care System
- NW Ohio Educational Service Center
- Liberty Center Schools
- Archbold Schools
- Patrick Henry Schools
- OSU Extension
- Henry County Health Department
- Henry County Hospital
- NAMI Four County
- Henry County Sheriff Department
- Archbold Police Department
Substance Abuse
A growing body of evidence has demonstrated that alcohol and drug abuse are second only to depression and other mood disorders as the most frequent risk factor for suicide. In fact, as many as 25% of all suicides are completed under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
If you or a loved one struggle with addiction, it is important to seek help. Treatment does work, and recovery is possible. For more information on addiction and the treatments available in our area, click on one of the links below: